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Patient And Interest - The Key to Make Money Online

. Tuesday, October 21, 2008
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Short Talk:
Thank You to my loyal readers who have posted their links in Friendship Friday Games. Your Effort of backlinking will be much appreciated. To those who have commented in my shoutbox, thank you for shouting. Your websites have been visited, and added to my bookmark list. Anyone who wanted to get a backlink from my site, please link me back and fill up the form on the right side bar of this page. Thank You Everyone for your Support! =)

For several years I have been frustrated because I always knew I wanted to start a business, but I just didn't know what type of business.

I have discovered something that has not only put more money in my pocket, but I am able to spend more time with my family, travel and do more of the things I love.

Have you tried other internet marketing businesses, but felt that you were wasting your time and money? Well, for those of you that felt burned out like me in your 5 to 9 jobs, stay tuned with King Of Money Making and find out how you can achieve your financial goals!

All we need in earning through online is our patient, efforts, and also a big capital.

Recently, my best friend in the internet have introduced me to a project of his, the Ultimate Business Simulation Browser Game.

The details of the game will not be reviewed as the project is still on trial version. A few Alpha Testers like me have been invited to join and review the games. What I have heard from my friend is that investors have started to put their interest in this game.

I was promised to be given sum of money once this game is successffully open to public. You might be wondering, is this the only income I can get from blogging? Not really. This is my side income.

How did you earn through online blogging? Kindly states your successful online opportunity and share with others. Please, don't post SPAM or SCAM sites.


Anonymous said...

I agree with you. I've been in IM for almost 3 years. To be honest, patients is always the key that brings me to what I'm doing right now.

Instead of the word interest, I prefer Passion. My passion is blogging and I love using blogs to make money!

TYO said...

How To Add The Blogger “Read More” Expandable Posts Link
This is a pretty popular Blogger hack that lots of people have asked me about. Instead of answering to each email individually, I thought it would make more sense to write an article about it.


Demo jerr said...

yup. agree with you man. without interest or passion it's hard to succeed

Anonymous said...

Happy Wednesday! Bloghoppin' here... Hey, I have an interesting tutorial for you that I have written myself. It is about adding Adsense on your Single Post in XML template. I hope you'll like it! God Bless you!

MisterZyl said...

Hi there, I found your blog is so cool and informative.

So care to exchange the links?

I just put your link on my blog and hopefully you can do so.

See your link HERE

Have a nice day buddy!

www.katobengke.com said...

Hello there my friend! I found your blog very interesting so I have added your link in my Blogroll.

Mohan Kumar D said...

I love your blog but how do i add my blog links to your blog and how do i link you blog to my blog?

Anonymous said...

Hi, I am one of the silent reader of your blog. I enjoy reading your posts. This time I've added you in my top blog list.
If you have any change and want any change in the list then please do inform me. I hope you'll to love to add me in your blog list.
HapBlog Bloglist

小偉 said...

I agree with you. Making money needs patience. :)

You might want to share your blog posts: ArticlePinger.com.

Iban.Warriors said...

I want to share money making opportunities that is making money with adsense for domains. No need for people to click on ads. Just bring in traffic and the income will surely come.

Anonymous said...

Nice Info. Recently i tried this and it worked , so am sharing with all the others.


Blogger said...

I just got a cheque for over $500.

Sometimes people don't believe me when I tell them about how much money you can earn by taking paid surveys from home...

So I show them a video of myself getting paid over $500 for doing paid surveys.